Saturday, January 03, 2009

Organic Cacao Nibs Information

Organic Cacao NibsHelp Prevent Wrinkles Through Diet

Copyright 2005 Daniel Vang

How many times has your mother told you, you are what you eat? As you probably know, Mom knows best. So its no surprise that what we feed our bodies does affect what the final product is. For healthier, younger skin its no different. But what should we eat in order to have the radiant skin we all covet? Here is a list of simple things we can all incorporate into our diet to help fend off wrinkles.

Fish Meat. Salmon especially. Fish meat is stock full of protein. Consuming more good protein like fish meat will give cells the fuel they need to repair themselves.

Dark-green, leafy vegetables. Another thing youve most likely heard from Mom: eat your vegetables. Again, shes right. Foods such as romaine lettuce or kale will help prevent your skin from ageing. Rich in iron and vitamin A, these vegetable will assist in healing damaged skin.

Nuts. Nuts are a valuable source of iron and zinc, and are an easy add on to most desserts and dishes. Almonds are replete with zinc which also will boost skin restoration.

Berries. The most fun food for last. Berries (blueberries, raspberries, strawberries yummy!) have hundreds of different recipes for dessert time. A healthy-skin diet doesnt have to be a boring one. Berries are rich in strong antioxidants which will aid skin defense.

Just remember these easy things the next time youre strolling through the grocery aisles. Eating these foods will arm your skin cells with the necessary tools to help preserve and keep your skin looking young.

About the author:
Daniel Vang is a publisher at, scouring the latest news and reports concerning smooth skin. Find free anti-wrinkle creams and other helpful wrinkle-preventing tips at

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Tue, 09 Dec 2008 17:27:54 GMT

Best chocolate around the world
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