Saturday, January 03, 2009

More Great Holistic Resources.

boost immune system DiscussionConstipation

� Start out slowly if you are new to the sport or exercise OR you haven�t done it in more than 2 weeks.

� Warm up BEFORE stretching. This is important. Muscles are tight when cold and stretching them can injure them. What is a good warm up? A slower version of the activity you are going to do is good. For example, walk for 5 minutes before you begin running. If you are going to throw a ball, gentle arm circles and other movements for several minutes will warm up the shoulder and elbow joints.

� Stretch often. Stretching can be performed after warm-up, but I find it to be the most efficient when I am finished with the activity or when there�s a break in the activity. The muscles are warm and most receptive. Always be careful not to overstretch.
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Wheatgrass Juice

Cleanse. Balance your pH by super- hydrating your system, drinking 3-4 liters of alkaline drinks a day. This could include green drinks and ionized, alkaline water. Water is a critical factor in establishing and maintaining a healthy acid alkaline balance.
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Wheatgrass Juice

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Ken Miller’s Guest Post, Part Two - Discover Magazine

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Ken Miller’s Guest Post, Part Two
Discover Magazine, NY - 3 hours ago
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HolisticBee Fresh Pollen Sale

While there are no there are no genuine bee fresh pollen sales there are a number of online distributors if you cannot find one near you. Most fresh bee pollen sales that are available are sold in bulk and this is regularly held in reserve for large companies that purchase in exceptionally big quantities.

There are several downsides to these large companies but we will approach after we learn about bee fresh pollen sale and how the health benefits can affect you in a most positive way. For now, bee fresh pollen sale raw honey must be found at bee farms due to the nature of the product. Most beekeepers scrape the bottom of the combs for raw honey and it contains traces of wax, propolis and of course raw honey. In some countries you will find bee fresh pollen sale of honey and raw honey and this is an excellent way to add bee pollen to your diet.

Bee pollen has every known nutrient known to man contained within one tiny granule. To understand that exactly, we must find out what a bee pollen granule is before you rush out to a bee fresh pollen sale and find a product that is far below grade. In order to do this, you must know what to look for and what not to buy.

Bee Fresh Pollen Sale & Companies

Earlier there was talk of the companies buying bee fresh pollen sale in bulk massive quantities and distributing them worldwide in capsule form, leaving them impossible to check for quality or nutrient content. Also, these companies have manufactured the product and gathered the product in very dirty areas and these areas consist of soaring levels of air borne pollution as well as the use of pesticides and fertilizers.

The USA and China are unfortunately, two of the worst places on the globe to harvest bee pollen due to its enormous populations. Human population in excess causes a large amount of pollution they are two of the leading countries in industrial pollution.

The effects of ingesting such low-grade products can have upsetting symptoms in the human body due to a variety of reasons and are all relevant to the population and pollution from industry and air travel. Upon strict analysis, these products have been known to contain many toxins that are detrimental to the body as well as show trace amounts of heavy metals.

The most common heavy metal to be found was lead, which is unbelievable considering the use of leaded gasoline, and petrol was banned many years ago. This only leaves one conclusion, and that is that the lead enters the product through such natural ways as the bee carrying it back to the hive. Always be sure that you are receiving a high grade product from a reliable source.

The product we personally use, located in the pristine source of New Zealand, is the most natural bee pollen source we have come across -

We have been using this supplement for over 3 years with excellent health results. We have achieved a general sense of well being and new improved energy levels.

We highly recommend you check out our bee pollen supplement of choice for further information.

John Gibb runs a series of health websites. Check out our Bee supplement guide, for more information on bee pollen.




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