Sunday, December 14, 2008

Recent information on Organic Goji Berry

Organic Goji BerryConsumer packaged goods: 10 trends to watch in 2009 (Food Business Review)

Thu, 11 Dec 2008 11:24:27 GMT
The consumer packaged goods industry looks set to become increasingly innovative in 2009 as manufacturers look for new and exciting ways in which to capitalize on the growing health, beauty and eco trends. While health foods such as nuts and seeds will come to the fore, novel ingredients will include flowers and natural sweeteners.

The Power of 5! Anti Aging Health Drink!

Sat, 30 Aug 2008 03:02:29 EDT
'The amount of antioxidants that you maintain in your body is directly proportional to how long you will live' , quoted by Dr. Richard Cuttler, Former Director of the National Institute of Aging, Wash...



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