Lets talk about Hemp Seeds
Hemp SeedsBreastfeeding - A Ladder For Good Health
Mother's milk is one of the best foods for babies that anyone could think about. It contains ample amount of proteins and nutrients which could beat any other health drink for your child. The usefulness of this milk becomes more important because it protects the baby from some of the worst health problems.
There is no substitute for breast milk so providing this milk to your child would be the best thing to give to your child. It has been studied that children who have been breastfed grow faster and are healthier than the ones who have not been breastfed.
Breast milk contains lactoferrin which helps in absorption of iron and protects the intestine from any harmful bacteria. The other component called lipases helps in digesting your fats which helps in baby's growth and development. It not only serves the purpose of providing nutrients to your child but also in serving the purpose to quench to your baby?s thirst and fill-in your baby's stomach.
The IQ of the child also increases by providing breast milk. It saves lot of time and money as you don?t have to sit up late night and mix the formula for your baby. The cost baby food is also cut which gives more time for the mother to be with her baby.
It creates a bond between the mother and child which binds them together. Nursing helps the mother to loose the extra pounds which she gained during her pregnancy. It burns out lot of calories which helps in bringing back the original size. If there are any chances of bleeding after child birth it lessens due to breast feeding. The risk of breast and ovarian cancer is minimal.
Some common remedies to help breastfeeding
-To arouse lactation for better quality and quantity, consumption of alfalfa is very useful
-To remove the hard feeling from your breast place a wet towel on your breast for 10 minutes which has been soaked in hot water
-Use of chamomile helps in controlling inflamed breast
-To minimize pain and inflammation, use of castor oil is very useful
-Having the baby in different positions for feeding also helps
-Consumption of fennel tea and almonds helps in increasing the milk production
-To relieve pain massaging Vitamin E oil on your breast is very good
-Having good amount of yogurt or curd helps in keeping the bacteria and other infection at bay
World Vision needs urgent help as millions starve (CTV.ca)
Wed, 23 Apr 2008 18:18:09 GMT
World Vision says it's forced to cut back on the number of people it will be able to help in the coming months, blaming a "perfect storm" of drought, changing food patterns and rising fuel costs.
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