Saturday, April 12, 2008

More Great Holistic Remedy Resources.

Holistic RemedyFiling Your Advanced Health Care Directive

An advanced health care directive is a document that allows a person to make sure their health care wishes are fulfilled in event of an illness or injured that renders them incapable of communication. The two types of directives popular in the United States are living wills and health care proxies. A living will is a document where you state exactly what type of health care you want or don't want under specific circumstances. A health care proxy is also called durable health care power of attorney is a document that name a specific person who has the power to make all your health care decisions if you are incapitated. If a person wants you can register both a living will and a health care proxy with the U.S. Living Will Registry. Having both will help clear up any confusion doctors might have about the living will and the living will should help the person with durable power of attorney feel more confident about their decisions.

People file advanced health care directives for a variety of reasons. Some claim that knowing there is a written record of their wishes gives them piece of mind. Sometimes registering an advanced health care directive is all the incentive people need to sit down and discuss their choices and beliefs with their families. People who have registered with the Living will Registry feel secure knowing that their advanced health care directive is accessible twenty-four hours a day seven days a week.

Once you have decided to prepare an advanced health care directive you can ask a lawyer to help you or you can ask for assistance from a local hospital.

Registering your advanced health care directive with the Living Will Registry is the easiest way to guarantee that it will be valid and accessible. When the registry receives your advanced health care directive they enter it into their database. Once it is entered into the database it is given a registration number and your social security number. Once it is in the Registry's database it becomes accessible to any health care provider who accesses your medical files. The registry provides you with labels that need to be attached to your health insurance card and drivers license. They also provide you with a wallet card that has the registration number of your advanced health care directive printed on it. Health care providers can also access your advanced health care directive by using your name and/or social security number.

You can change your mind about your advanced health care directive whenever you want. In the event that you do change your mind make sure you contact the Living Will Registry immediately.

Registering your advanced health care directive directly with the Living Will Registry will cost about one hundred and twenty-five dollars. If you can't afford the one hundred and twenty-five dollars shop around, some health care providers and community partners will offer the service at a discount and sometimes free of charge.

The registry offers Spanish translations of their services. Testimonials of the Living Will Registry are also available.

About the Author: and are websites that Jeff Moore writes articles for.

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